As a majority of young men, I started out with aspirations of rocking the stage in front of thousands every night. Fresh out of the institution also known as high school, I gained the insight from musicians, artists, and creative people countrywide.
With enough passion to fill up the Dallas Cowboys 1.2 billion dollar stadium and more drive than an S-Class Mercedes, I study web design and graphic design daily via podcast, video tutorials, iTunesU,, and A List Apart. I have assisted in helping non-profits and small businesses build an online presence.
With a need to learn as much as possible, I truly fill the term hybrid designer. A strong background in designing merchandise and cd layouts propelled me into hours of daily practice in Adobe products. HTML and CSS was the name of the game in the beginning. I now have countless hours of development time behind Joomla! and WordPress, and beginning a journey with Drupal.
@HTMelvis on Twitter and on Facebook