Elite Web Professionals is an Atlanta based internet advertising company that specializes in web design, and search engine marketing. For over 3 years, Elite Web Professionals have been helping small businesses throughout the Metro Atlanta area increase their online visibility. Search engine optimization (SEO) is a growing industry in America, and around the globe. More and more, small business owners are trying to find their place in the World Wide Web, but few have been able to turn their websites into a reliable return on investment. The web designers at Elite Web Professionals use a unique process of building websites called SEO Web Design, and using them as a tool to bring in customers. This process has helped business owners in the Atlanta area, increase their visibility by helping them to achieve first page placement on major search engines such as Google, Yahoo, and Bing. These websites are simply one of many tools in each internet advertising strategy to bring in customers, build a brand name, and help small business owners establish a lasting place in the online community. Other tools of Elites advertising strategies include search engine marketing (Pay Per Click), social media, video advertising, image search, and local search.