LME Designs / Professional Website Designer in Haddon Heights, New Jersey

Helping you and your business grow.

What's included in your professional web design, see below.
Custom Web Design
- 100% custom unique web design, built to your specifications.
- A custom website for your company that speaks your Vision and your Passion and brings results.

Responsive Web Design
- Responsive design means it will view properly on mobile phones and tablets.
- If your website is not responsive, Google will penalize your website and it will rank low on Google Search. Causing less customers to see your website.
- Also, 80% of all local searches are on mobile phones. If your website is not responsive (does not views properly on mobile phones) it will be difficult for the viewer to read, causing them to leave immediately and go your competitors website.

CMS Web Design
- Content Management System or CMS is an application where my clients are able to add text and pictures on their website.
- Save time and money! No need to hire a web designer to make basic changes to your website.
- Once your website is complete, I will show you how to add new updates to your website.

Client Reviews

"My initial attempts at doing my own website were complete disasters. I had met with Lisa a few years back and within a week had a fully functional fun website. Over the last few years, my website expanded as I added more books (I write children's books) and Lisa easily accommodated same and had many useful suggestions which we've used."
John Leone

"Highly Recommend! I've been working with Lisa for over three years now, and she is very attentive, reliable and helps me meet my goals as a small business owner."
Janice Burness

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Basic Web Design Brochure Design Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) Design Content Management Systems (CMS) Expertise Database Integration E-commerce Solutions Full-Service Website Management Google Adwords Campaign Management Graphic Design Interactive Media Javascript & DHTML Merchant Account Integration Mobile Web Design Mobile Website Design Monthly Maintenance Online Marketing Strategy and Implementation PayPal Shopping Cart Integration PPC/CPC Campaigns Responsive Web Design Search Engine Marketing (SEM) Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Consulting Slideshows Small Business User Interface (UX) Design Web Redesign Website Hosting Services Website Maintenance Website Redesign Wordpress Expertise XHTML
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