Mainstream Video and Photography Pruductions offers full HD and standard video and photography production, video editing and videography services in the Ottawa region for special events, promotional training and wedding films. We offer multiple format video rendering, DVD and Blu-ray authoring with direct to disk printing, 5,400 d.p.i. slide and film scanning, stunning 13 x 19 high resolution photo printing, custom composite photo montages and Web Design.
Mainstream Media has worked successfully with the City Of Ottawa, the City of Kanata, the Kanata Leisure Centre, Ottawa Fire Services, the Ottawa District Health Unit, Equinox Adventures, Fleet Technologies, Discovery Channel Canada, Canadian Adventure Productions, A Channel, Ottawa Carleton District School Board, Telecom Ottawa, Algonquin College, Power Boating Canada Magazine, TNT Fleet Solutions, Appletree Medical Group, PCL Constructors, Moreguard Investments, Public Works Canada, the town of Arnprior and numerous satisfied individuals on family oriented projects and wedding video's.
Contact Mike Swarbrick at or e-mail